One week later, on April 3rd, Dave Zdyrko gave a rather lukewarm description of a trailer shown at the Tokyo Game Show 2000. It is noteworthy that this article underpins the assumption that despite the name changes, the plot already was (mostly) in the form we know today and did not undergo drastic changes during game development. Perry described it as “ action/suspense PS2 DVD game“, gave an outline of the story as well as its features and a one-sentence character description of Dana, Margarete, Homunculus, Eckart Brum and the fortune teller. At that time, the game already underwent its first name change, now called “ The Day of Walpurgis“. At the end of March, IGN posted another article, this time by Douglass C. At that time, he had no other information to offer. In an news entry about the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, article writer Dave Zdyrko announced amongst other Konami games one project called “ Walpurgis Day & Night“. First mentions of the game on IGN.com were on March 9th, 2000, about one year before its Japan release.